Five Musts Leading into 2019

June 1, 2022

A new calendar year provides an opportunistic and important time to lead splendiferously. The following are three powerful questions to ask yourself, followed by five ways to lead well into 2019.

  • What would make 2019 a successful year?
  • How will 2019 results be different than years prior?
  • What personal rhythms will help you be the person you want to be?


1. Maximize the Holidays

  • Extravagant experiences: create “wow” environments
  • Calls to action: provide easy and clear next steps for people to take
  • Spoil your team: appreciate and care for people over-the-top


2. Spiritual Vibrancy

  • Rest: do what you need to do to be your best
  • Centering: be awake to truth and spiritual awareness
  • Remembrance: be steadfastly mindful of what matters most


3. Strategic Planning

  • Immediate: a review with your team to ensure you’re prepared
  • Short-term: be intentional and specific with leadership action steps and calendaring
  • Long-term: take the time to set goals with accountable action steps


4. Masterful Communications

  • Digital: have a presence and be up-to-date
  • Personal: prepare how and what needs to be said
  • Communal: give your people purpose-driven talking points


5. Stewardship Savvy

  • Giving: give people amazing opportunities to give
  • Investing: use resources where huge impacts will be had
  • Budgeting: craft a strategic budget and consider moving to a July-June fiscal year


I’d love to hear your ideas and action steps as well. Feel free to comment and share!


Slingshot Group

We take the guesswork out of nonprofit and church staffing.

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