Five Musts Leading into 2019

A new calendar year provides an opportunistic and important time to lead splendiferously. The following are three powerful questions to ask yourself, followed by five ways to lead well into 2019. What would make 2019 a successful year? How will 2019 results be different than years prior? What personal rhythms will help you be the […]

First In, First Out

There are those among us who seem to just be born with a high level of grit. They don’t stop until the task is done. They could be a number-crunching CFO, a dedicated employee, an artist at a canvas, or a leader who just won’t give up no matter what. Let’s set those amazing folks aside for […]

Check 1, 2…Is This Thing On?

Soundcheck is a familiar time for most of us. A room that was once eerily quiet has now been filled with the sounds of people chatting and gear being set-up, instrument tuning and off-line rehearsing. Now, it’s finally time to “make noise.” Isn’t it amazing what happens once the mics are turned on? Sound fills […]

Tool, Talent, or Treasure? The Key to Keeping Talented Staff on Your Team

As an executive leader of one of the largest staffing companies in the church and non-profit space, I’ve learned some key things about people and why they are dissatisfied with their work. Speaking with transitioning employees is what we do, and it may surprise you why most people decide to leave their current job for […]

Everything Has Changed

Rather than some pithy intro to a blog post, I would simply like to give 10 suggestions of ways churches and student ministries can adjust ministry for the foreseeable future. In keeping with a traditional model that most youth ministry has, here are some possible ways to create your new-normal. 1. Create a Hub: Have a […]


5 PRACTICAL WAYS TO LEAD YOUR TEAM Times of uncertainty are when people look to leadership the most. These can also be the most testing times for a leader. It’s in these moments that we are called to create stability. This is especially important when we consider how to lead through things like the current worldwide […]