Key Responsiblities
- Select and plan music for Sunday and mid-week services. Participate in the creative planning of the Sunday and special services with the Senior Pastor.
- Recruit, equip, motivate, supervise and shepherd music and drama team leaders and musicians.
- Develop musical teams and ensembles for services.
- Direct the adult choir.
- Direct outreach events into the community via performances at other organizations as appropriate.
- Maintain a strong prayer base for the music ministry.
- Communicate faithfully with the Senior Pastor and staff.
- Participate in the life and ministry of the church.
- Provide ministry staff support to the Senior Pastor outside of the responsibilities of music ministry, including but not limited to hospital and shut-in visitation.
- Develop and expand the music ministry of the youth and children.
- Oversee sound and light technicians.
- Oversee social media and website platforms used by the church.
Key Qualifications
- Authentic relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Theology consistent with that of the church.
- Ability to shepherd volunteer musicians in the Christian life.
- Love and respect for people and the ability to communicate effectively with them.
- Attested musical skills and competence.
- Ability to organize, coordinate, motivate musicians and technical team members.
- Strong team player with the Senior Pastor and rest of the staff and congregation.
- Committed to the church’s vision, leadership and people.
- Dependable, responsible, self-motivated and creative.
- Bachelors degree in Music or Theology (Masters preferred).
- Minimum five years experience in church related setting.
Other Competencies
- Ability in wide range of styles including Christian classics (hymns).
- Ability to lead worship and to train others as individual and team worship leaders.
- Professional quality keyboard (preferred) or guitar player.
- Producing and directing special events, musicals and programs.
- Competency with ProPresenter and Planning Center.
- Technical skills in sound and lighting, for example stage, choir, and sanctuary sound mixing, soundboards, theater lights video editing, etc.
- Competency with social media and website platforms.