Pequea Church

Worship Pastor

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

About This Organization

The mission of Pequea Church is to transform lives by connecting people with God and each other. Whether you have been involved with church your entire life, or you are just starting to explore, you are welcome here.

Position Description

The Worship Pastor at Pequea Church will lead the worship department at the church. They are looking for a strong leader who loves to lead teams, pastor people, and create an excellent and spiritually vibrant worship culture. They’re excited to partner with a leader who has a vision and not afraid to move it forward. The future is bright!

A Great Candidate Would Look Like:

  • Conversational Leadership
    • The ability to communicate, lead, and engage with the congregation and volunteers from a platform setting.
  • Musicianship
    • Our worship gatherings have a contemporary sound that incorporates several genres. The ability to play keyboards, work with loops, or arrange music would be helpful but not required.
  • Administration/Technology
    • Solid computer skills and experience facilitating online worship experiences are essential
  • Theological Development
    • The ability to think theologically and a general awareness of different streams of Christian thought.
  • Leadership Development
    • Identifying volunteers who have talent and the ability to grow into leaders is essential to Pequea Church fulfilling its God-given mission. Training and developing individuals to realize their leadership potential is expected.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Plan and lead all worship gatherings throughout the yea
  • Schedule and lead weekly rehearsals and team evaluation
  • Recruit and develop spiritually sensitive and musically talented musicians, vocalists, and tech members
  • Model biblical community and integrity in all things, and generally, be a role model for your team members and the broader church
  • Collaborate with the lead pastor to create seamless worship gatherings
  • Oversee the layout and decorating of the platform and auditorium to complement worship gatherings
  • Oversee all technical production elements related to Sunday worship gatherings and special services
  • Oversee all video production requirements for Sunday worship gatherings and special services
  • Lead and develop all aspects of the church’s online worship services.




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