
Visalia Rescue Mission

Executive Director



Why I Love This Opportunity

Paul Loyless


The new Executive Director has a unique opportunity to build and improve the beautiful ministry that Visalia Rescue Mission has in the Central Valley. Following a godly and wonderful Executive Director who has served this mission so faithfully over these past eight years, the Mission has been planted in fertile soil and is positioned for continued growth and gospel impact.

About This Organization

Visalia Rescue Mission (VRM) was founded in 1981 by local church members dedicated to helping underserved families in Tulare County, California. Since its early years, VRM has been focused on sharing the gospel in all service areas of the organization. VRM has also been committed to receiving private funding in order to continue keeping the gospel at the center of the ministry. Therefore, VRM does not accept any government funding. Currently, VRM provides the following: overnight shelter for men, overnight shelter for women and children, a 1-year addiction recovery program for men and women, housing and aftercare services for those who complete the 1-year program, counseling, case management, community meals, and chapel services.

In 2015 the organization experienced a necessary and abrupt change in leadership. The board of directors sought the counsel of Al Oliver, an experienced leader in transitioning organizations, and engaged him as interim-Executive Director. Soon thereafter, Al agreed to serve as the Executive Director of The Mission, and under his leadership, the ministry has achieved financial stability, made great strides in program development, overcome the challenges related to the impact of COVID, regained the trust and confidence of their community, and most recently completed the construction of the Community Center building. Now Al Oliver is retiring as he passes the baton to the next Executive Director of Visalia Rescue Mission.

Position Description

The Executive Director will utilize his/her expertise and knowledge to plan, organize, and direct the organization’s operations, programs, and development.

Key Responsibilities:

  • The next Executive Director has the full support of the VRM board to lead the ministry in designing, shaping, implementing, and casting the vision for Visalia Rescue Mission 2.0
  • The next Executive Director will champion VRM’s philosophy of ministry and culture based on two concepts: “The Double Bottom Line” and the “Five Marks of Developed Christian Character.
  • The next Executive Director will bring a steady presence and consistent leadership to a team experiencing change fatigue
  • The next Executive Director will bring wisdom and experience to a team where many are new to the ministry or their positions or early in their careers
  • The next Executive Director will have strategic opportunities to make great strides in the area of Development (Fundraising).

What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

  • HUMBLE STEWARDSHIP – Someone with high integrity and consistency in doing what is right. Seeking God in all situations, acknowledging God’s sovereignty, and resting in God’s grace
  • EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENCE – A highly intuitive and wise discerner who is able to listen well while sensing how best to approach a situation and the people with whom they interact
  • BUILDER – Someone who values continuous improvement and activates the people and processes necessary to build on the current foundation in this next season of ministry
  • OPERATIONS – A leader who has the ability to not only cast a vision but also operationalize and mobilize a team to achieve that vision. Both skills (operationalizing and mobilizing) are vital for this role
  • STRATEGIC THINKING – Someone who sees all aspects of the ministry (program, development, vocational education, facilities, finance) as an art form and can build the strategy and infrastructure to support them
  • RESOURCEFUL – A creative problem-solver who can properly balance a ministry mentality with proven best practices
  • COMMUNITY ORIENTED – Someone connects naturally and relationally with people and organizations. A strong dot connector and cultivator of relationships.

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