Syria Christian Church

Discipleship Pastor

Orleans, Indiana

Why I Love This Opportunity

Chris Lagerlof

Senior Associate

This is an amazing opportunity at a healthy, growing church, with a huge community impact. Syria Christian Church is looking for a Discipleship Pastor who loves leading people and leaders, and who has a passion for seeing people grow in their next steps.

About This Organization

The mission of Syria Christian Church is to be a church infused with Jesus’ life, love, and example and to help others find and follow Him.

Syria Christian Church started over 200 years ago and has been at its current campus for just about all that time. The most recent building campaign was completed in 2017. This space was designed to enhance and increase their adult education and small group programs. Syria Christian Church has a vibrant children’s and youth ministries with designated areas for both.

Syria Christian Church is a healthy, vibrant, and growing church, with a good mixture of intergenerational congregants with both older people who are retired and several young families.

Syria Christian Church realizes to get larger; they must get smaller and focus on their calling to make disciples that make disciples.

Syria Christian Church is a rural church full of blue-collar folks, business owners, and professionals from the medical field to the marketplace. The small-town mindset of loving your neighbor and knowing each other deeply is at their heart.

Position Description

The Discipleship Pastor will serve as a pastoral team member and will work to develop and grow ministries designed to help people take steps on the discipleship pathway (spiritual formation steps). The Discipleship Pastor will focus on helping people move from first-time guests to fully committed followers of Jesus who are connected at SCC and regularly serve, give, and participate in the church’s mission and vision. This position requires a detail-oriented leader who can motivate and empower leaders who will lead the various ministry programs.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Recruit, train, and mobilize a team of Life Group Leaders and oversee the process of connecting people into groups, including Rooted and other small group environments.
  • Lead and manage guest engagement process for SCC.
  • Manage systems (Breeze) and others that help people take steps in the discipleship process, track the progress in each area, and reflect the progress in the church database.
  • Set annual goals for the ministry that align with our vision and then evaluate how those goals were attained or modified during the year.
  • Work with the staff leadership team to create a leadership development strategy.
  • Oversee men’s and women’s ministry leadership teams.
  • Oversee young adults ministry.

What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

  • Strategic thinker who can create and implement systems that lead to desired results.
  • Able to manage and empower people to lead in multiple areas of ministry.
  • Relational skills and an enthusiastic presence.
  • Self-Motivated and able to follow through on plans.
  • Able to teach the word of God effectively.
  • Passion for discipleship

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