Real Life Church in Stanley, NC, is a church that lives up to its name. They are a special group of Jesus followers who have been well-loved and well-developed for many years. Now, as they seek their next Lead Pastor, they are in a season of growth and health which makes this one of the most exciting opportunities in the nation!
Real Life Church of NC began as Lucia Baptist Mission in 1989 with nine people meeting in a single-wide mobile home. These first members started with a passion for helping people experience the salvation and transformation found only by knowing and following Jesus Christ.
Over time, Lucia Baptist Church grew to two trailers and then a brick church building with classrooms and a fellowship hall. Within a few years, the attendance called for a new facility, with multiple services in the Recreation Center (gym). The style of services changed over the years from traditional to contemporary worship. The ministries and outreach have changed with our culture, but the message has always remained the same.
In 2015, the church’s name was changed to Real Life Church of NC. “Real Life” was chosen to better represent who we are as a church. Real Life members and attendees are real, authentic, and genuine people who are honest about God and themselves. We struggle together, we celebrate together, and we seek answers from God together regarding the questions and problems we face in life.
From the beginning, our mission has been biblical and simple. We want to equip those whom God sends to follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and embrace the mission of Jesus. As they live their lives, they carry that mission back to their families, neighborhoods, workplaces, ball fields, and gyms.
While our demographics reflect our community at large, a person’s background, church experience, economic status, race, culture, or current lifestyle will never be barriers to experiencing God at RLC. People are welcomed, loved, and will hear heartfelt praise music and the truth of Scripture shared in an engaging way. People are challenged weekly to pause, reflect, and apply God’s truth to their everyday lives.
Real Life Church is praying for their next Lead Pastor: someone of humble character with a passionate, authentic teaching style and the capacity to lead at a very high level.
The Lead Pastor serves as the primary shepherd and overseer at Real Life Church and consistently leads, models, and casts a God-given vision and strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission through biblical discipleship.
Key Responsibilities:
What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like: