
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

Executive Director of Administration



Why I Love This Opportunity

Keith Twigg

Senior Associate

Pleasant Valley(PV) is a healthy church making a difference in its local community and beyond! Pastor Merle Mees and his top-shelf staff team are leading the way into the future, and the right leader will inherit a well-run ministry ready to be continually improved as this church bears fruit for years to come.

About This Organization

Over 70 years ago, PV was started by a group of college students. They met in the local school and had Sunday School in station wagons and trucks. They built their first building, and when they outgrew it, they dug out a basement by hand to add Sunday School and nursery space. Through the generations they raised up, they continued to build and grow the ministries and the buildings that housed them, not for their own glory, but so that the people in this community could meet an extraordinary God amid ordinary people and their lives could be transformed.

PV moved to its current campus in 1997. It was surrounded by farmland, but the forecasted growth in that corner of the Northland was expected to be huge. Now, thousands of families live in neighborhoods where fields once stood. Schools and businesses have been built all around PV. Traffic has exploded, and PV has faithfully welcomed families to join them through every growth phase. PV wants everyone within our reach to experience the transformation and life found only in Jesus.

Pastor Merle often prays Ephesians 3:20-21 over PV: “Now to him who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.

We want to boldly pray, work and expect God to move in transformational ways.

Position Description

The Executive Director of Administration(XDA) oversees and provides leadership for all areas related to church administration. Also, The XDA includes oversight of finance, stewardship, policy and operations, and leadership and support for the Safety Team key leaders. As a church leader, the XDA should demonstrate a vibrant, growing relationship with Christ, loyalty to the church and its leadership, and fully support and engage in its core values, vision, and initiatives.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Personnel administration: overarching responsibility for HR, which includes policies, benefits, and processes; serve as leader of the Human Resources Team. The XDA delegates some responsibilities to the HR Coordinator. This is reviewed at least annually.
  • Financial and asset administration: staff representation to the Finance Team, oversight of finances, budget development, and asset management. Includes being proactive in assisting staff and lay leaders in budget and financial management. Directly responsible for budgets in the following areas: personnel, insurance, safety team, and SALT team training and development.
  • Oversight of bank accounts, investments and authorization for transfers, etc.
  • Policy administration: keep current on policies and changes in law or insurance requirements; revise as needed and present to appropriate staff, committees, and Leadership Team; ensure the integrity of operations and compliance to bylaws; ensure legal and other important documents are filed and secure.

What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

  • Impeccable Character
  • Experience as a leader of teams, developer, and equipper of people.
  • Very knowledgeable of church law and tax.
  • Experience in personnel administration.
  • Continuous learner.

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