Liberty Heights is governed by four core values: Dependent Prayer, The Priority of Relationships (Biblical Community), The Authority & Sufficiency of Scripture, and Involvement over Attendance. These values drive the church towards dependence on God, His Word, and other Christians.
The church is contemporary in approach to worship and discipleship and employs an expository teaching style. They place a great emphasis on transformational application through a deeper
understanding of how the affections of our hearts drive one’s behavior. They have a clear discipleship strategy that flows from preschool to adulthood and is executed through both large
and small groups.
Liberty Heights has an average Sunday attendance of close to 1,200 people with over 1,500 regular attenders. It is located in the suburbs of northern Cincinnati and has two locations, with one central Sending Campus in Liberty Township plus one nearby campus in the community of Lebanon.
The main areas of focus for the Pastor of Adult Ministries will be direct leadership of LHC’s Evangelism and Discipleship ministries with additional oversight in the areas of assimilation & care and the church’s Biblical Counseling ministry. The largest area focus will be on executing LHC’s existing discipleship strategy with a huge emphasis on strengthening the Small Groups ministry.
The ideal candidate needs to be a vibrant recruiter/developer/coach for small group leaders with a passion for seeing people grow in relational environments. They will be a leader of teams and a
developer of people.