
New Heights Church

Lead Pastor



Why I Love This Opportunity

Todd Clark

Senior Associate

The Lead Pastor at New Heights Church in Richland, Washington, is a unique opportunity for a gifted, passionate, expository teacher to lock arms and hearts with an incredible elder board and devoted congregation.

About This Organization

The vision of NHC is to make disciples. This goal is at the heart of everything the church does. At New Heights, we consistently challenge congregants to be engaged in daily Bible reading plans and to serve one another. New Heights teaches its members and attendees to “do church” weekly by attending corporate worship and teaching, participating in small groups, and finding a place to serve. Recently, the elders proposed the following 5G characterization of New Heights’ purpose and unique value structure.

1. Gathering the Scattered—There are many reasons for folks to get scattered. COVID caused a lot of scattering. Some people are scattered by trauma in their church. Some have never had a church and have been scattered by the enemy. One of our foundational values is NOT to recruit those attending other congregations but to reach out to those who need a flock.

2. Growing the Saints – New Heights does this through spiritually healthy input, consistent teaching from God’s Word, and spiritually good output, helping people find a place to serve.

3. Grouping to Develop Gifts—Small groups help protect their members, develop their spiritual gifts, and make disciples.

4. Giving Generously—The Lord has blessed many New Heights members with resources. Our goal is to be faithful stewards of these resources by giving to the ministries to which the Lord calls us.

5. Guided by God—We listed the previous four to get to this one. This principle connects most relevantly with our focus on the future. In our vision and plan for the future, we don’t want to get ahead of God or linger behind His lead. New Heights is the Lord’s church, and He is our Leader. Therefore, the elders are committed to praying for His guidance, and we ask the people of New Heights to join leadership in this prayer.

Position Description

The current Senior Pastor, Dave Bechtel, has successfully served in the Tri-Cities for more than 35 years. He currently works part-time for NHC, working 24 to 30 hours per week. Since the church was founded, the leadership team has intended to have Dave Bechtel as a mentor and pass the torch to a younger pastor.

The new Lead Pastor will be able to put their imprint onto NHC by bringing on new staff, refreshing church branding, and weekend teaching.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Supervise the existing staff and hire additional staff as needed.
  • Be the primary teaching pastor (preaching between 22 and 26 times yearly).
  • Attend and participate in all Elder Board meetings.
  • Collaborate as a leadership team with Dave Bechtel.
  • Lead and grow the small group ministry – NHC seeks to be a church OF small groups, not a church that HAS small groups.



  • A successful Lead Pastor candidate will be a gifted expository preacher who effectively communicates with precision and authenticity to an intergenerational congregation.
  • He will be known for biblical accuracy, textual authenticity, and rich content in Scripture, truth, and life application.
  • People will be both challenged intellectually and motivated toward personal change.
  • He will be an excellent team leader and a team member who is marked by authenticity, humility, and integrity, necessary to effectively work with the staff of New Heights Church.
  • He will lead by example as a collaborative leader, listening to the Holy Spirit as he continues the mission of New Heights church.
  • The Lead Pastor will have a deep and abiding relationship with the Lord as demonstrated by:
    • His personal devotional life.
    • History of disciple-making.
    • Humility and strong character.
    • Mentoring and training others.
    • Service in the local church.
    • Mission endeavors, locally and internationally.


What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:


  • Demonstrates a passion for God and His Word in his choices, behavior, speech, and attitude (Jn. 14:23; James 4:7-8)
  • Possesses character reflective of and consistent with biblical elder conduct (Titus 1:5-9, I Pet. 5:1-4, and Acts 20:28-31)
  • Walks in humility as demonstrated by his servant attitude, teachable demeanor, and ability to mutually submit to and forgive others (Is. 66:2; Eph. 5:21; Eph. 4:32)
  • Understands his own limitations, admits them, and seeks help from others to support him in these areas (James 5:16; Prov. 27:17)
  • Displays spiritual, relational, and leadership maturity gained through ministry and life experience (II Pet. 1:5-8)
  • Models good stewardship in the usage of his time, talents, and treasures (Matt. 25:14-30).
  • Leads with intelligence, understanding, and common sense as he honors the DNA, history, and mission of the church while defining a new vision for the future (Prov. 3:13, 21)
  • Aligns and relates well with New Height’s mission, culture, elders, staff, and volunteers as demonstrated by his gifting, ministry passion, and personality (Rom. 12:10; I Cor. 1:10)
  • Adapts well to the Northwest culture: titles and positions may have less importance, casual lifestyle, independence, and enjoyment of a great variety of outdoor activities (I Cor. 9:20)Education: A seminary degree is preferred, although there is more interest in a solid Bible education aligned with our statements of belief and less interest in the source of this training.


  • A minimum of 4 years experience in a significant leadership role with demonstrated results of making disciples.
  • Has a proven history of engaging in expository preaching.
Salary Range:

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