Christ Church

Lead Pastor

Oak Brook, Illinois

Why I Love This Opportunity

Todd Clark

Senior Associate

The Lead Pastor position at Christ Church is a generational opportunity to be the point leader in a dynamic, influential, culture-shaping, and healthy church in the suburbs of Chicagoland. You may find the full profile here.

About This Organization

Our enduring mission is to gather multi-generational communities of disciples who worship, grow and serve AND go into all the the world as witnesses of the life-changing love of Jesus.

Our current vision is to LIFT 10,000 people toward their God-given potential.

• Authentic Worship | We believe that exalting and enjoying God is life’s great purpose and pleasure.
• Intentional Growth | We believe that becoming like Jesus is an adventure worth every effort.
• Generous Service | We believe that giving our gifts to help others is how we imitate God.
• Attractive Witness | We believe that living to draw others to Christ is our personal daily mission.
• Genuine Community | We believe that doing life together is how we live the Christian journey.
• Life-Changing Love | We believe that loving people
extravagantly is God’s power and priority.


• We are a non-denominational, independent church with roots in the evangelical and reformed traditions.
• We affirm all the tenets of the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds and, on finer points of doctrine, follow the Augustinian maxim: Unity in the essentials. Liberality in the non-essentials. Charity in all things. Our essential theological statements are here.
• We baptize children of believers toward the day when they will confirm their parents’ promises with their own confession. We also baptize students and adults, making a personal confession of faith.
• We welcome at the table of communion all who depend upon the grace of God for their salvation and seek to follow Christ as Lord.
• We hold to a traditional understanding of sexuality, seeking to be both biblically faithful and radically loving.
• We believe in the full and equal gifting of men and women for all church leadership offices.
• Amidst a polarized and politicized society, we strive to pursue the vision of Jesus and the values of the kingdom of God and avoid captivity to extreme ideologies, political organizations, and secular social movements.

Position Description


• Authentically loves and follows Jesus and cares for people in a way that is genuinely felt by others.
• Values and engages a multigenerational congregation.
• Respects and values the church’s long tradition while seeking to expand and broaden the church’s impact through innovative methods to reach the next generations.
• Humbly leads a complex organization in an increasingly challenging world via collaboration and team development.
• Listens well and, as a result, rallies the congregation, staff, and leadership to a sense of shared vision and direction.
• Brings a continued sense of energy and new ideas, strengthening our commitment to bringing God’s love, grace, and truth to our community and people worldwide.
• Empowers the staff and congregation in a manner that leads to greater engagement, outreach, and discipleship in terms of ever-increasing numbers and life change.
• Values being present as a shepherd to the flock in many different contexts of the church.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Master’s degree or higher from a theological seminary.
  • Leadership experience in large congregations with the capacity to manage the priorities of multiple staff teams.
  • Exceptional communication skills and the ability to connect with a diverse congregation and adapt to various ministry contexts.
  • Comfortable working with high-capacity leaders and staff in a complex, high-velocity environment.


What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:


  • Serve boldly as a visionary, setting direction through prayer, careful
    thought and collaboration with core staff, trustees, and elders.
  • Act as the chief steward of decisions, making the hard calls where appropriate.



  • Guide the church in advancing the Great Commission.
  • Identify new methods, means, and innovations that will allow our congregation to serve more effectively in the future.



  • Serve as the primary teaching pastor, guiding a broader teaching team in planning messages and series and identifying methods to guide the congregation in studying and applying God’s Word to their lives.



  • Serve as the chief enabler and developer of other leaders, helping them to identify or clarify their calling, apply their giftings, and grow their ministry areas, benefiting the congregation, community, and world.



  • Minister to the health and wellness of the congregation, focusing on their spiritual, emotional, and other needs.
  • Give attention, care, and feeding to individuals and groups within the body.
  • Establish systems where their shepherding impacts the whole congregation.


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