Twin Lakes Church (TLC) was founded in 1890 as a camp in beautiful Santa Cruz, CA. As people moved to Santa Cruz, TLC began meeting weekly. In the 1920s, TLC temporarily shut down. In March of 1930, the church reopened with 11 people and 19 cents on hand. The church limped along until the arrival of a young pastor in the early 1940s, Roy Kraft. Pastor Kraft served at TLC for 47 years. In 1993, current lead pastor, Rene Schlaepfer, arrived and the church entered into a strong growth period. Today, TLC is a dynamic and thriving church of more than three thousand. No matter the season or leader, the church has had a steady focus on God’s word and reaching into the community and world.
TLC is intentionally engaged in their local community and wants to be part of the solution for the issues their community faces. As they say, TLC wants people in the community to be glad they’re there.
In 2021 TLC launched a “church within a church,” focused on reaching and impacting Hispanics in the community, city and county. The Hispanic Ministries Pastor will partner with Twin Lakes as they take ownership for the vision, mission and strategy of this initiative.
To equip others to be biblically literate, relationally connected, and spiritually fruitful, with an emphasis on understanding the grace of God in Jesus Christ. To lead a Spanish-speaking congregation within an English-speaking congregation, helping them feel an equal part of God’s work on the TLC campus: TLC en Español (TLCE).
Key Responsibilities: