Grace Long Beach

Children's Pastor/Director

Long Beach, California

Why I Love This Opportunity

Nancy Matossian


Grace Long Beach is located in the heart of Long Beach, CA, and is a church with a heart for Long Beach. Grace Kids is thriving, with over a third of the adults serving in kids! I am thrilled to share an incredible opportunity for a highly relational, community-hearted, and enthusiastic children’s ministry leader!

About This Organization

We take seriously our call to pass on the faith that God has entrusted to us to the children and youth. This takes a village, which means people of all life stages are involved and invested in discipling the next generation. We give time, money, and care towards this effort and include children and youth in the life of our community so that they might encounter the generous love of God and know that they have a part to play. We have a historically strong Children’s Ministry, and we’re excited to see how God will use the next person in that seat to steer us toward even greater things.

Established in 1913, Grace Long Beach is a multi-generational church family that has been part of the Long Beach community for almost 120 years. At Grace, you’ll discover a wide variety of people who share one thing in common—we find our identity in Jesus Christ and believe our story is part of God’s larger plan to renew all of his creation through the gospel of the kingdom. We have a legacy of faithful leadership with only five lead pastors throughout our history. Grace identifies itself with classical Christianity. By that, we mean the essentials of Christian belief through the age.

With an attendance of over 300, Grace Long Beach has a mix of a traditional and contemporary expression of church, with a modern worship approach and a ministry function and structure of a traditional church. There is a high level of reverence and love for the word of God and solid biblical teaching.

A unique story about the history of Grace Church is in the 1970s, there were an arsonist targeting churches. Grace was one of the churches targeted. As a result, they moved to their current location!

Position Description

The Director/Pastor of the Children’s Ministry is directly responsible for developing and overseeing all Grace Kids ministries for children from birth to 5th grade at Grace Long Beach.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Recruit, train and lead a large volunteer staff.
  • Engage children in worship, discipleship, and all age-appropriate aspects of spiritual growth.
  • Organize and lead effective programs that provide a context for our team to invest relationally in these young lives and draw them closer to Jesus.
  •  Support and help equip parents to act as the primary disciple-makers of their children.
  • Oversee current and future staff appointments in children’s ministry.
  • Use appropriate child development knowledge to best meet the needs of Grace’s children in curriculum selection, child discipline, classroom grouping, consideration for those with special needs, etc.
  • Actively present and available during Sunday morning programming for evaluation and teacher support and to facilitate addressing any issues or emergencies that arise.
  • Has interest and experience in teaching classes as needed.
  • Develop and participate in our children’s ministry vacation activities, camps, or events to provide concentrated opportunities to build relationships, have fun with children, and help them meet with Jesus.
  • Maintain regular and clear communication with parents concerning the vision of children’s ministries and the ongoing programs and opportunities to encourage partnership and involvement.
  • Actively communicate with the broader church about what God is doing in and among our children.
  • Seek to understand and oversee the Children’s Ministries budget.
  • Oversee coordination of childcare for Grace’s services and events.
  • Manage safety and security protocols (in partnership with the Director of Operations) and ensure that our Children’s Ministry policy and procedures are followed and reflect current best practices.

What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

Qualities and Characteristics of the Director/Pastor of Children’s Ministry

  • A love for Jesus and people—both inside and outside the church
  • The spiritual gift of leadership
  • The ability to build a healthy team culture
  • Possesses strategic gifts while leading with humility and wisdom
  • Solid administrative and organizational skills that do not require extensive direction from others
  • Ability to carry the vision and strategy of Grace and reflect it in the Children’s Ministries
  • Relational and social skills marked by ongoing growth in being empathetic, energetic, approachable, and emotionally healthy
  • Strong and healthy communication skills.
  • Experience leading and working with diverse teams.
Salary Range:

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