The passion and heart behind serving the people of Papua New Guinea is undeniable at Samaritan Aviation. This ministry has been on the ground serving the people in a remote area along the north coast of the country since 2010 with life flights, medical supply and disaster relief services. The future COO will have a critical role in continuing to support the missionaries in PNG while providing financial and operational oversight to the U.S. staff.
Samaritan Aviation became a 501c3 nonprofit on August, 2000 and for the past 24 years has been faithfully serving the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG). In January 2010, the team started operating in PNG full-time upon acquiring an airplane.
Samaritan Aviation provides Life flights, Medical supply delivery flights, Disaster relief flights, and other ministry-related flights to the people of PNG without charge. Papua New Guinea is located roughly 100 miles north of Australia.
Today, Samaritan Aviation offers access and hope to over 600,000 people that live along a 700-mile river in Papua New Guinea called the Sepik. These villages served by SA are so remote that access to the nearest hospital can take up to four days by dugout canoe.
The COO will be responsible for running the day to day operations of Samaritan Aviation with accountability for the Financial Management of Oversight of the organization. The COO will serve as a strong second-in-command and assist the CEO in executing his vision for maintaining and growing the mission. The COO is responsible for ensuring all levels of the organization are communicating effectively. S/he must be able to execute the vision of the company as set by the CEO, while integrating every function of the organization, creating unity, stewarding a healthy leadership team, and promoting greater synergism for accomplishing the mission.
Key Responsibilities:
What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like: