The Minister of Community Life role at Cityview Bible Church is a dream job for a group-minded leader! This is the opportunity to join a leadership team with laser-sharp focus, authentic and humble leadership staff, and a gifted and visionary board.
Cityview Bible Church was planted in Round Rock, TX, in September 2007 as part of a movement of churches, the Association of Hill Country Churches, who desire to impact Greater Austin with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Cityview was planted with 100 founding members and met for many years at the YMCA in Round Rock. In 2017, Cityview moved into its current facility and has seen Sunday attendance grow to 1,100 adults. Additionally, Cityview has planted five churches in the Greater Austin area over our 16-year history.
Cityview is a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church that loves Jesus, people, and our community.
Keith Ferguson is the founding pastor of Cityview Bible Church, having led the church from its earliest days in a local coffee shop to its current size and scope. Keith is a graduate of Baylor University and Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife (Barie) have six children – two in college, two in high school, and two in elementary school. Keith is passionate about preaching the Word of God in the power of the Spirit and catalyzing church-planting at home and abroad. In addition to serving as the lead pastor of Cityview, Keith also serves as the executive director of the Association of Hill Country Churches. He loves collaborating with other churches in Round Rock and Greater Austin for gospel saturation.
Mission (Our Why): Cityview Bible Church exists to multiply disciples and plant churches that declare the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child.
Vision: (Our When) By 2030, Cityview Bible Church will equip 1000 disciple-makers, plant five new churches, and celebrate 500 baptisms in Greater Austin.
There is a huge Kingdom impact opportunity as ministry areas under the Minister of Community Life are highly championed and valued. We don’t believe we can achieve our mission and vision if this ministry is not successful in equipping and inspiring our people to live missionally.
This position aims to provide spiritual leadership, pastoral care, and strategic vision to the Life Groups, Men’s, Women’s, and Single Adult Ministries at Cityview Bible Church. The ideal candidate will have a dynamic and growing spiritual life, is biblically rooted and aligned with our doctrinal positions, possesses a shepherding heart, is highly relational, and will have a proven track record of developing, discipling, and deploying ministry leaders. The Minister of Community Life will be passionate about cultivating authentic, Gospel-centered communities where people can nurture their love for Jesus, share their faith, and grow in their maturity.
Key Responsibilities:
What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like: