Located in America’s most ethnically diverse county, Sugar Creek Baptist Church’s congregation includes over 90 different nationalities. The church has both modern and blended expressions, and its approach to worship is to identify with others culturally without compromising the gospel message. This is an opportunity for a talented leader with high organizational and relational skills to serve in an exciting ministry environment on the church’s largest campus in Sugar Land, all while living in an exciting community!
Sugar Creek Baptist Church is on a mission “to love and lead all people to life change in Christ.” Located in suburban Houston, TX, the church has grown steadily in its 45-year history. This multisite church has weekly attendance averaging 5100 across three campuses and a fourth campus in a local prison. Everything Sugar Creek does is expressed by six core values that guide its daily decision-making and planning. These are: 1. Truth Matters; 2. Total Dependence on God; 3. High Expectation; 4. Eternal Impact; 5. Mutual Respect; and 6. Generational Relevance.
Corporate worship is a priority at Sugar Creek, and the worship ministry is known for excellence and authenticity with strong platform leadership. Worship gatherings include elements of music, creative arts, and technology used to communicate and inspire. Depending on the service or campus attended worshippers may see a choir, orchestra, band, or a mix of all three onstage. On the Sugar Land campus, both Spanish and English services are provided. All services feature engaging worship, life-changing teaching, and connection through solid and meaningful relationships.
The Associate Worship Pastor – Instrumental Ministry will report to the Global Worship Pastor and serve by administrating the Sugar Land campus worship staff, leading staff meetings, and managing the team on the Sugar Land campus. This person will also direct, recruit, and administrate the instrumental program which consists of an orchestra and rhythm section. The leader will directly supervise the Worship Leader/Production Associate, Global Music Director (MD), and Ministry Assistant.
Key Responsibilities:
What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like: