Mosaic Church

Adult Ministries/Executive Pastor

Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Why I Love This Opportunity

Todd Clark

Senior Associate

The Adult Ministries Executive Pastor role at Mosaic Church in Ocean Springs is an opportunity for a gifted, energetic and creative leader to join the executive leadership team of a dynamic and culture shaping church. Mosaic is seeking an intentional leader who can develop people and discern direction.

This opportunity is creating a new role at Mosaic in an effort to expand executive leadership and experience continued growth.

About This Organization

Mosaic is located on the gulf coast of Mississippi in one of the greatest small towns in America – Ocean Springs. Ocean Springs has a reputation as an arts community. Its historic and secluded downtown area, with streets lined by live oak trees, is home to dozens of art galleries, restaurants, and vintage shops.

Brandon Conner is the senior pastor at Mosaic Church and believes the teaching of God’s Word contains both deep expository content and relevant application. Brandon joined the team on January 1, 2017, and is building a 20-year team that will work together to impact the coast for Christ. Brandon has his doctorate in evangelism and church growth and is a champion of our church’s vision (“to help broken people become brand new people by teaching them to follow Jesus.”)

Our desire is to see our adult ministries be our number one avenue for discipleship. While we want to reach the lost through everything we do, the ministries to our adults exist to help people get connected to the church, each other, and grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Mosaic average weekend attendance is over 2,300.

Position Description

Our mission is to help broken people become brand new people by teaching them to follow Jesus. Our church is looking for a leader who can help develop the staff, dream of new and creative ways to fulfill the vision, refine the current ministry, and lead leaders. Chemistry with the Mosaic staff and dedication to the seven staff commitments is a must. Core competencies must include proficient computer abilities, an “eye” for excellence, and exceptional verbal and written communication skills.

The Adult Ministry Pastor must consistently demonstrate a positive “can-do” attitude and possess the ability to work and communicate with both large and small groups.


Key Responsibilities:

Responsibilities will be overseeing the following ministry personnel and ensuring departments are executing at a level of excellence.


Spiritual Formations Ministry:

  • Develop strategy and content for groups that meets the goal of discipling new and maturing believers.
  • Oversee baptism process and interviews.
  • Meet with adult attendees that have spiritual questions.
  • Recruit, train, and partner with volunteers to ensure all groups are effective in helping us reach our goals.
  • Increase buy-in and attendance for all groups.
  • Lead and develop 5-6 volunteers to serve as Community Group Coaches.
  • Partner with Recovery and Care Director in overseeing the Recovery Ministries, Mentoring, and Lay Counseling.
  • Shepherd volunteers by connecting with them personally on a regularly basis.
  • Develop and supervise the content and teaching of Mosaic University.
  • Create and implement a monthly strategy for our prayer group.
  • Lead the Service Vision Moments on occasion.
  • Perform wedding and funerals when available.
  • Capture all policies and programs pertaining to the Spiritual Formations department to ensure that they are reproducible and growing in efficacy.
  • Plan and manage the Spiritual Formations Budget…responsible for keeping expenditures at or below budget.


Care & Life Change Ministry:

  • Identify and create a professional pipeline of counselors that Mosaic Church can partner with.
  • Weekly pastoral care and counseling appts (8-10 appts). If needed, determine who to connect them with (i.e., recovery, community groups, counseling, lay counseling, professional counseling).
  • Oversee Weekly Recovery meetings.
  • Recruit, equip, onboard, schedule, oversee, and provide ongoing training for volunteers to help with Lay counseling.
  • Develop a curriculum to help meet the needs of people before problems get out of control (i.e., Divorce Care, Parenting).
  • Develop and lead one intensive retreat during the year (i.e., Parenting, Marriage)
  • Develop intensive study after church events per Lead Pastor’s requests.
  • Lead section hosts who can minister to the congregation.
  • Plan and manage the care budget and be responsible for keeping expenditures at or below budget.
  • Other duties as assigned.


First Impression & Women’s Director:

  • Create, implement, and execute our assimilation “front door” classes (Welcome to Mosaic, New to Serve, New to Faith, and New to Groups) once every other month.
  • Ensure that all first-time visitors to Mosaic are contacted in a timely manner and invited to a “New to Mosaic” class.
  • Recruit, train, and schedule volunteers to serve within the First Impression ministries i.e., connect desk, MoJoe, greeters, ushers, parking lot, set-up/take down.
  • Create, implement, and execute a 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year assimilation strategy with the goal of getting people plugged into a community group and a serving team.
  • Lead and develop a volunteer to serve as our First Impressions Team Leader.
  • Shepherd volunteers by connecting with them personally on a regular basis.
  • Capture all policies and programs pertaining to the First Impressions and Women’s department to ensure they are reproducible and growing in efficacy.
  • Oversee women’s mentoring ministry program.
  • Oversee and execute women’s event.
  • Counsel women as needed.
  • Be present at Thursday and Sunday services.
  • Plan and manage a budget; responsible for keeping expenditures at or below budget.


Missions & Outreach:

  • Actively connect with our current mission partners and provide a quarterly report to the Executive Pastor outlining the results and needs of these partners.
  • Oversee the mission budget which includes monthly support for our existing partners, benevolence, and outreach projects.
  • Manage benevolence requests by ensuring that any support is in line with our benevolence policy.


What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

A strong candidate for this role will bring at least 10 years of Adult Ministry experience and be excited to live and lead in the environment of these seven staff commitments:

  • Trust- A winning team is comprised of people who are trusting and trustworthy. When we see a pattern of behavior that causes concern, we commit to running towards difficult conversations and holding one another accountable by being honest and transparent with one another. I’ve got their back, and I know they have mine.
  • Vision- A winning team is comprised of people who are passionate about the vision. We will always provide clarity around what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. We do not just talk about our church; we talk about it in a way that makes the vision contagious.
  • Growth- A winning team is comprised of people who never stop growing. We believe our best days are always in front of us because we will never stop growing spiritually, professionally, and relationally.
  • Teamwork- A winning team is comprised of people who invite teammates into their process. We believe we are always better together. We can achieve more together than we ever could alone.
  • Results- A winning team is comprised of people who hold one another accountable for the decisions made. We call our shots and relentlessly pursue those shots. We call a win a win and a miss a miss. We refuse to paint a bullseye around a stray bullet.
  • Love- A winning team is comprised of people who laugh loud, hard, and often. We do not just have fun as a team, we have fun with our families too. We are committed to knowing one another well so we can love one another better.
  • Ownership- A winning team is comprised of people who think and act like owners, rather than renters. We will not just identify problems. We will find the best solutions and then execute those solutions to make Mosaic better.

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