Moving From Management to Leadership

If you’re looking to cultivate a healthy team, look no further than the mirror; a healthy team starts with a healthy leader. But how do you know if you’re a healthy leader? The first step to becoming a healthy leader is being able to lead yourself, according to Matt Tresidder, CEO and co-founder of Leadr, […]
The Power of “Me Too”

We all find ourselves in a defining moment in our culture, summed up by the simple phrase, “Me Too.” I’ve been reflecting on the magnificent power of those two, tiny words. When another human being looks us in the eye and says, “Me Too,” we no longer feel so alone. We feel understood, validated, and […]
Maximize the Holiday Season

The holidays bring exceptional opportunity for churches and organizations: 29% more people attend church during the Christmas season (Source: LifeWay Research and Covchurch, 2015) 34% of charitable giving is done during the last three months of the year (Source: USA Today, 2014) 4 out of 10 Americans say that they would attend a church at […]
First In, First Out

There are those among us who seem to just be born with a high level of grit. They don’t stop until the task is done. They could be a number-crunching CFO, a dedicated employee, an artist at a canvas, or a leader who just won’t give up no matter what. Let’s set those amazing folks aside for […]