Rocky Mountain Christian Church is ready to welcome their next Kid’s Director at the Frederick Campus! This is a fantastic opportunity at a large campus that is full of young families. With over 250 kids in attendance every weekend, Rocky is looking for a leader who cares about helping kids experience the love of Jesus through fun environments and engaging programming.
Rocky Mountain Christian Church is a 40 year old multisite church in Northern Colorado that exists to help people know Jesus and live like Him. With over 2000 people now in attendance at their campuses, Rocky is a growing church that is always looking for new ways to bring the love of Jesus to their communities and beyond. Rocky has experienced strong and stable leadership in its history, and is in an exciting season of renewed vision for their community and world.
Rocky Kids exists to bring the awesome love of Jesus to kids. Teaching Bible stories in relevant, applicable ways; The Kid’s Director equips leaders to use their gifts effectively and creates a place for kids to connect with each other and leaders, so they can together walk through God’s truth at age-appropriate levels.
Key Responsibilities:
What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like: