
Berean Baptist Church

Student Pastor

Mansfield ,


Why I Love This Opportunity

Mike Haight


This is an incredible opportunity for someone passionate about the next generation and who wants to lead a thriving student ministry and contribute to a team at a gospel-centered and growing church. Over the last several years, Berean Baptist Church has seen steady growth; attendance and giving have increased, they’ve become debt-free, and there is a growing anticipation for the future. Exciting days are ahead as Berean continues to reach its community and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

About This Organization

Berean Baptist Church was founded with an emphasis on being a church full of grace and truth. This is reflected in Berean’s mission statement: We exist to be a community of Christ followers who are enjoying God together, growing in grace and truth, and taking life in Christ to the heart of Ohio and beyond. Berean currently sees an average weekend worship attendance of about 800 and has strong kids and student ministries, bringing many young families to the church. Over the years, the facilities have been expanded to include 85,000 square feet of space, and the church is entirely debt-free. Berean leverages its facilities and financial freedom to increase ministry to its community and beyond. At least 20% of the church’s annual budget goes toward local and international missions.

The Student Ministry at Berean is healthy and thriving. In many ways, this is known as the “place to be” for student ministry in the Mansfield area. On the average Wednesday night, around 130 middle and high school students join together for worship and discipleship, and it is estimated that about 200 students are active monthly. A significant team of dedicated adult volunteers helps lead numerous small groups and is committed to investing in the lives of these students. The Student Ministry facilities are spacious and well-equipped with large group spaces for gathering and playing, numerous rooms for small groups, and plenty of places for teenagers to hang out and enjoy being together. Over the last several years, Berean has significantly invested in renovating other parts of its campus. There is also a vision for future investments in the Student Ministry facilities.

Position Description

This is an incredible opportunity for someone passionate about the next generation and who wants to lead a thriving student ministry and contribute to a team at a gospel-centered and growing church. Over the last several years, Berean Baptist Church has seen steady growth; attendance and giving have increased, they’ve become debt-free, and there is a growing anticipation for the future. Exciting days are ahead as Berean continues to reach its community and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Lead, shepherd, support, and recruit Berean Students staff, including but not limited to administrative staff, ministry directors, and interns.
  • Oversee and implement all vision, strategy, budget, curriculum, and programming for Berean Students (6th-12th grade) in such a way that reinforces the church-wide vision and discipleship strategy.
  • Coordinate and serve as the primary communicator for student gatherings
  • With the assistance of staff and leaders, the Student Pastor will recruit, train, and shepherd volunteers and lay leaders for all areas of Berean Students
  • Direct and oversee student ministry outreach, service, and mission trips, including short-term mission trips, kid’s summer outreach camps (in partnership with Berean Kids Pastor), retreats, service projects, etc.
  • Help Coordinate training for the parents of teens.
  • Oversee and direct vision/strategy for technology and facility space in the Berean Student areas/spaces.
  • In partnership with adult ministry staff, seek to transition graduates and young adults into discipleship environments.
  • Preach as needed in main worship services.
  • Function as an associate pastor assisting in church-wide activities, counseling, funerals, weddings, visitation, etc., especially concerning Berean Students’ families.


What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

  • Strong character conforming to the standards for Biblical eldership (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1).
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a related field, Master’s Degree preferred.
  • Minimum three years of ministry experience, including working closely with families, children, and teenagers.
  • Proven leadership and management skills. Must be strongly relational and a great team builder and coach.
  • Gifted teacher and preacher. Must be able to provide an in-depth understanding of Biblical teaching while at the same time relating truth to the everyday life and worldview of students. Organizational skills for growing, mobilizing, and maintaining a strong, effective team and student ministry programming.

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