Community Church

Executive Pastor

Babylon, New York

Why I Love This Opportunity

Ernest Smith


I absolutely love this opportunity for many reasons. First, it is at a great, thriving church in a very unreached area in the nation. Community Church has seen God do some really incredible things in 4 years and the best is still yet to come. I also love this opportunity because it allows the right leader to use their experience and gifting to come alongside Pastor Lou, the lead pastor, and help lead the church to new territories.

About This Organization

Community Church launched in the basement of a building that we were generously given in January of 2020. After moving services online for a season during the pandemic, we rebuilt our launch team and completed a volunteer-led renovation.

We relaunched in March of 2021 with 207 people at two services. By the end of April 2024, we were running four services and averaging attendance in the upper 800s each Sunday. Our church is largely made up of people who are completely new to church or vaguely familiar with Catholicism. God is understood to be an angry rule giver. The idea of Jesus offering life to the full is foreign to many, but we are blessed to share the Gospel of God’s grace and love with everyone who joins us and we’re excited to continue this work in the future.

Position Description

Community Church is looking for an executive pastor to come alongside the lead pastor in leading the church forward. Community Church has seen substantial growth over the last few years and they are in need of someone who can step into the growth and help lead the church with greater systems and processes. The executive pastor will have the chance to carry some of the preaching load, will lead the staff, develop and expand a healthy groups ministry and run the operations of the church.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Creating and managing systems
  • Managing and leading staff
  • Overseeing the operations of the church


What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like:

  • The ideal candidate is driven, detail-oriented, great with people and passionate about connecting with people who have never been in church. Given the size of our church, this position will also require a lot of flexibility.
  • Our staff functions as a unified team and while we are working toward a more specialized structure of operating, we often employ an all-hands-on-deck approach.
  • The ideal candidate also has experience leading in a large church setting.
Salary Range:

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